Java Evolutionary Genetics Simulator

DNA base-pair mutation simulator to predict the number of generations it would take for the highly conserved 16s-ribosome to mutate.

Input fields:

▪ Target Gene: The gene being selective for (genetic end goal of selection) Should consist of A,T,C and G’s (DNA base pairs)

▪ Tournament Size: Degree of selective pressure, randomly sampled chromosomes to compete to see which is closest to target gene (the larger the tournament size, the faster genes will likely fix towards the target gene due to less drift)

Positive Integer less than 1000

  • ▪  Population Size: Number of individuals of the given species

    • Positive decimal between 0 and 1

    • Warning if population > 1000000, error if population > 100000000

  • ▪  Crossover Ratio: Degree at which genetic information is mixed up between two

    parents when passed off to the child.

Positive decimal between 0 and 1

▪ Elitism Ratio: Degree at which the genetic information is unchanged Positive decimal between 0 and 1

▪ Mutation Ratio: Degree at which genetic information is changed within the lifetime of an individual in the species

Positive decimal between 0 and 1 o Output results:

  • ▪  Generation #: Number of generations it takes before a sequence within the genome reaches the target gene

  • ▪  Gene Code: Gene code of closest chunk per generation

  • ▪  Fitness: Measure of how close the gene code displayed is to the target gene

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